Runner & Fitness Blogger = One Tough Mother

50% Done

One of my goals for the year is to read/listen to 30 books.

Last year I read 26. So I figured that 30 would be totally doable.

Well it looks like I’m going to have to reassess this goal because well it’s only March, and I’ve already achieved 50% of this goal.

The books I have read so far are as follows:

1. The Host
2. The little white horse
3. Parvana’s journey
4. Albert of Adelaide
5. The smarter science of slim
6. The débutante
7. Ten things we did
8. The 5 love languages of children
9. Something Blue
10. Even Now
11. The eczema diet
Audio Books
1. The Gift
2. Unbearable Lightness
3. Knitting